Joining a brand’s affiliate program is usually free, so there’s little to no risk for the affiliate. According affiliate marketing for mobile apps to the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), the affiliate marketing business will exceed ₹66,168.07 million by 2025 [2]. Making money as an affiliate marketer takes time to develop a platform and build an online audience, but it can be worth the effort. Globally, the affiliate marketing industry is worth about $12 billion USD. It’s responsible for as much as 25 per cent of online sales for the world’s top brands [1].

Affiliate Marketing: Everything You Need to Start (

How does affiliate marketing work

Always make sure you read the terms and conditions of any affiliate program you’d like to join. If you’re not sure about anything, rather contact their support desk than make assumptions. The above affiliate networks have thousands of merchants on them. Unfortunately you won’t be able to view their details until you sign up as an affiliate. These are just a few tricks on how Similarweb Digital Marketing Intelligence can help you find and qualify your affiliates.

How to start affiliate marketing as a beginner?

You can promote affiliate products through product reviews, product comparisons, in your email newsletter, on your blog, through paid ads, and more. The very first step to getting started with affiliate marketing is to choose a niche (or “vertical” if you want to sound super knowledgeable). As an affiliate marketer, you want to be known for something. Even if you decide to promote affiliate products via blogging, you’re not going to be dropping a ton of money on something that you’ll be out should it not work out.

Step 6. Generate Traffic and Build an Audience

This builds anticipation and excitement, making your audience more likely to try the product themselves. You can create a video showing how you use a physical item in everyday situations or explain how to maximize a digital product’s features. Your personal experience adds depth to your content and makes it more relatable. Affiliate marketing has low overhead costs and doesn’t require technical expertise.

How to create your own affiliate program

The customer is the end-user who purchases the product or service through the affiliate’s promotion. Customers typically encounter affiliate marketing through reviews, recommendations, and advertisements on the affiliate’s platform. Swimwear brand Frankies Bikinis refers to its affiliates as ambassadors, hashtagged #Frankiesgirls. It uses ShareASale, RewardStyle, and Skimlinks to manage its affiliate program. The brand encourages brand advocates with a strong social presence to apply. Commissions are paid in cash, and the brand offers an updated list of active promotions for ambassadors to use.

  • If you’re promoting affiliate offers on your blog, rather use anchor text to link to the merchants you’re promoting.
  • At which stage in the sales cycle can affiliates offer you the most value?
  • There are plenty of involved affiliate marketing professionals who earn millions every year.
  • Rather than promote the products directly, try to make them fit naturally within your content.


For instance, you might find that a combination of timely email blasts and SEO content will improve your marketing efforts more than either one on its own. A food blogger probably wouldn’t promote beauty products, for example. A wide range of other products would make more sense, such as cookware, meal kits, gourmet ingredients, or even aprons. How quickly you pick up affiliate marketing depends on your motivation, prior marketing knowledge, the resources at your disposal, etc. But affiliates must maintain transparency and adhere to laws and regulations concerning advertising disclosure and consumer protection.

What are the three main types of affiliates?

As you can see, there is no shortage of ways to make money with affiliate marketing, and this guide will help you devise a strategy and start your journey. Making money from an affiliate program is more about the profits than the revenue you’re getting. There are different structures when it comes to payout, which varies based on affiliate program terms. Establishing a website or blog that specializes in a niche is the best way to establish influence. Whether you focus on finance, personal health, business, or even cats, a niched blog or website will help you gain influence and build an audience.

By paying for advertising, businesses can attract potential customers who are then exposed to affiliate marketing content. Now that you’ve chosen your niche and determined where you’ll promote products or services, find one or more affiliate programs to start monetizing your content. After you’ve chosen your niche, you’ll want to choose at least one platform or channel you’re going to use for affiliate marketing. Shopify offers an affiliate program where affiliates can refer merchants to the platform.

How does affiliate marketing work

If you’re good at referring customers, you might negotiate better commissions or bonuses. You could also get access to special marketing content for your audience. Affiliate marketing is when people make money promoting products for a retailer.

In a very strimmed-down, succinct, and short definition, affiliate marketing is a marketing business model where your customers and/or readers become your salespeople. Given that affiliate marketing is all about relationships, you’ll want to take action to strengthen the relationships you have with your audience and the brands you promote. You can do this by staying up-to-date on the brands’ latest developments, products, and initiatives so that can communicate accurate information to your audience. Ideally, the niche you build your affiliate marketing efforts around should relate to your interests and those of a sizeable, underserved audience.

Think of your payment model like a motivational tool, encouraging your affiliate partners to operate in a way that’s best for you. Do you primarily want them to help you generate traffic, leads, or sales? At which stage in the sales cycle can affiliates offer you the most value? Answer those questions, and the choice of payment model becomes easy (well, relatively). In unattached affiliate marketing, the affiliate publishes advertisements that promote the seller’s merchandise.

The concept of affiliate marketing may be difficult to understand at first, so let’s break it down. You may have seen examples of affiliate marketing before, even if you didn’t realise it. Get started with a free trial of our Application Hosting or Database Hosting. Keep repeating this process until you’ve gathered a handful of affiliates that you trust. One of the easiest — and cheapest — ways to find relevant influencers is by searching for blogs in your niche.

That means you don’t have set hours for creating or promoting the product. You just choose products you like and that you think your audience will like, create the content to promote those products, and then do the actual promotion. Affiliates promoting high-ticket items or working in high commission rate programs (like digital products which often have commissions up to 50%) can earn significantly more. At the same time, those promoting low-priced items with a small commission rate and less traffic could earn much less. The program provides affiliates with unique links, marketing materials, and real-time analytics to monitor their performance. Affiliate programs can be managed in-house by the merchant or outsourced to an affiliate network, which connects multiple affiliates and merchants.

If it’s not something that people need, want, or find valuable, you’re wasting time. If you’re a foodie, you wouldn’t be promoting beauty or home improvement products. If you’re a chef, you could easily start a recipe blog with cooking demos. You can write product reviews for common gadgets and add an affiliate link for any items you review. You use the space to persuade your audience to learn more about and hopefully purchase, the products you’re promoting. You can use text links, banner ads, text ads, etc. to promote the product.

If they still don’t respond, see if the PR team has an alternate program on a non-affiliate but still commissionable platform. And if your promotional methods aren’t accepted in the program, your commissions will get reversed because you broke the program’s terms of service. You can even do affiliate marketing in person via presentations at a conference or handing out contact cards at a nightclub or networking event. Merchants may also create private bundles, packages, or funnels; these one-off deals normally have custom commissions.